I made another trip to Goodwill this week and while I wasn't overwhelmed with what I found, I wasn't mad either.
Here's what I stole. (Before you get upset, I did pay for all this. It was just so cheap I felt like I was stealing it.)
First, let's talk batting. It was the least sexy item but also the most valuable. I haven't measured it but I think it will make at least one king-sized quilt and we all know that stuff isn't cheap. So, score one for The Scrappy Camper.

Next, a lovely little pile of embroidery threads. I use those for visible mending and big-stitch quilting. I doubt I will EVER run out of thread but, just in case, ya' know.

I also found a pack of needles, 2 unopened packs of rick rack (I love it. I don't know why, because I never use it...), and some iron-on patches.

And, finally, the thing I really love...

This gorgeous yardage is kind of a velvet/net fabric. The color has been hard to capture with a photo but it's a deep plum with red velvet accents. It's partially sheer so it will have to be lined but I'm thinking a skirt, or maybe a shrug??? I don't know. To be honest, my kids will probably be donating it right back to Goodwill in a few years.
There was a lot of fabric this week, but nothing for quilting, so this is all I bought. I did almost pick up another 36" x 24" Dritz cutting mat. The struggle was real but I finally convinced myself I didn't need it and someone else would come along who DID.
The key to thrift-store shopping is to go often and to go with an open mind. If you don't find yardage, you can always, always find nice 100% cotton clothing that can be cut up for quilts.
I hope I've inspired some of you to thrift shop for sewing supplies. Just not in my neck of the woods. :) Don't be scooping up my bargains! LOL
Until next time, keep it scrappy, y'all!